Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Taylor Hale
Justin Bieber
Jake Marin
Kimberly Wallace
Ryan Marin
Karina Benson
Haley Tyler

Characters {I'll be adding more}

Chapter One: Expecting The Unexpected

I clasp my hands onto the sink, as I look into the mirror with the mascara running down my face. ''To hell with him.'' I mumbled. I wasn't just heartbroken, I was livid. I couldn't bring myself to my right frame of mind. I wasn't in reality. I walked away from the mirror, I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I was ready to drink my problems away. Even though I was only sixteen, I didn't care. I jerked open the fridge, it was Vodka my step-dad left in there. He's such a drunk! I grabbed a hold of the bottle, as I eagerly twisted the cap of it. I pressed it against my lips, giving it a swallow, not caring about the burning sensation in my throat. I swallowed and sat the bottle down. As I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. A sudden vibration came from my back pocket. I reach my hand into it, it was just my phone. I glanced at the screen. I had a new message from Jake. It said ''Hey Taylor! Are you okay? I heard what Mayson did. He's such a prick! Screw that guy. If you're feeling up to part, we can hang out? :)'' A sly smile appeared on my face, as I replied. ''Sure. Thanks Jake, you're the best!:)'' Suddenly, I realized why drink my problems away? Why cry over a guy who doesn't  care about you? Why cry? Everything was starting to make sense to me now. I was falling back into reality. I put the Vodka back into the fridge. My mom walked through the door, she smiled. ''Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?'' She said. I had my back turned to her, I wiped the mascara off my face. I was contemplating on rather I should tell her what happened between Mayson and I, or just tell her I'm good. ''I-I-I-I'm fine mom, thanks.'' I let out a small sigh and turned around, leaning against the sink. She raised an eyebrow, as if she was studying me. As if she got me somehow, like she really knew I wasn't good. She nodded, and walked upstairs to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. I let out another small sigh, as I walked upstairs to her bedroom. I heard her having a conversation on the phone. I slowly walked to the door, putting my ear up to it. Listening to what she had to say. ''Yes I know, but I can't tell Taylor the truth. If she knew then everything would fall apart. She won't be too happy if she knew. I'm gonna wait for the right time to let her know what happened. Cause when she knows. . . . . . . . . .She'll never forgive me.'' My eyes widen, my mouth opened. I slowly backed away from the door, knowing not only my mom has never told me this secret. But it was a secret never told.